Nutrasal Support Team - October 2024

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Keywords/Roles: Polyenyl-Phosphatidylcholine (PPC), Healthy Aging, Liver Function Optimization, Improved Cell Function And Metabolism, Immune Response, Liver Detoxification, Fatty Liver Disease, Mitochondrial Support, Lipid Metabolism, Cellular Regeneration, Oxidative Stress Reduction, Vitality And Longevity

The Essential Role of PPC in Liver Health

PhosChol PPC is the most potent polyenyl-phosphatidylcholine (PPC) supplement available for promoting optimal liver health. Unlike standard Phosphatidylcholine (PC) complexes, which contain only 10-30% phosphatidylcholine, PhosChol's 100% pure PPC formula, with the highest concentration of DLPC delivers the essential building blocks the liver and entire body need to repair and regenerate damaged cells. By restoring liver cell membranes and improving metabolism, PhosChol PPC enhances the liver’s ability to detoxify, protect against toxins and inflammation, and prevent fat buildup, which can lead to fatty liver disease.

Supported by over 400 clinical studies and trusted by doctors for more than 40 years, PhosChol PPC has been proven to improve lipid metabolism and support healthy liver function more effectively than any other PC product. Simply put, PhosChol PPC offers elite, next-level support that outperforms all other PC supplements on the market. (Scroll Down to See More Amazing Benefits)

Our Liver is the Keeper of Good Health and the Key to Healthy Aging

The liver is a remarkable organ responsible for over 500 hundred processes that allow the body to function and thrive. From digestion and metabolism to detoxification and hormone regulation, the liver is the key to strengthening and sustaining our health and well-being. Its vast array of functions directly supports nearly every other organ system. Prioritizing and maintaining optimal liver health and function is crucial for a long, healthy, energetic and vibrant life.

The liver functions as the vital engine of the body, driving essential processes that make our body run and sustain overall health. Much like an engine powers a vehicle, the liver metabolizes nutrients, detoxifies harmful substances, produces vital proteins, and maintains hormonal balance. Its intricate role supports everything from digestion to cognitive function. When the liver falters, many other organs follow suit, underscoring its central importance to our well-being. A healthy liver is truly the foundation of a healthy, thriving body.

The Liver’s Primary Functions

Our liver performs over 500 critical tasks daily, but several stand out for their direct impact on overall health and longevity:

1. Detoxification: The liver filters toxins from the blood, including environmental pollutants, medications, and alcohol. This cleansing function is vital to preventing harmful substances from damaging other organs and tissues.

2. Bile Production: The liver produces bile, essential for digesting fats and absorbing fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K). Without proper bile production, nutrient absorption is compromised, affecting energy levels and overall vitality.

3. Nutrient Metabolism: The liver processes carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, turning them into usable energy. It regulates blood sugar levels by converting excess glucose into glycogen for storage and later use.

4. Hormone Regulation: The liver metabolizes hormones, helping to maintain balance. Imbalances in hormone levels, such as estrogen or cortisol, can contribute to weight gain, fatigue, and mood swings.

5. Immune Support: The liver is vital for both the innate and adaptive immune systems, producing immune factors and proteins that help recognize and eliminate pathogens. It contains specialized immune cells, like Kupffer cells, that filter out foreign invaders. And it helps regulate immune responses, balancing defense against infections while preventing excessive inflammation.

"PPC combats the metabolic challenges that cause cell dysfunction and contribute to disease."

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Is PPC the Fountain of Youth?

“...These demands keep me searching for the next anti-aging miracle and I know I've found it: Polyenyl-Phosphatidylcholine...PPC" 
Dr. Nicholas Perricone: "The Perricone Prescription"

The Essential Role of PPC in Liver Health

One of the most powerful tools in maintaining liver health is PPC, a unique form of phosphatidylcholine that plays a crucial role in repairing and rejuvenating liver cells. Phosphatidylcholine is a major component of cell membranes, and PPC provides the specific building blocks the liver needs to maintain its structure and function. Studies have shown that PPC helps restore damaged liver cells, supporting the liver’s ability to regenerate and perform its essential tasks. This is particularly important when the liver is exposed to toxins, alcohol, or fatty liver disease, all of which can impair its function. By supplying the liver with these critical phospholipids, PPC helps protect against liver damage and promotes regeneration at a cellular level.

How PPC Works in the Liver:

• Cell Membrane Repair: PPC repairs and regenerates the phospholipid bilayer of liver cells, improving cell function and integrity. This enhances the liver’s ability to detoxify the blood and carry out its other essential processes.

• Protects Fatty Liver Disease: PPC helps prevent the accumulation of fat in liver cells, which is a major cause of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). By improving lipid metabolism, PPC supports the liver’s role in maintaining metabolic health.

• Protects Against Toxins: PPC shields the liver from toxins by promoting its natural detoxification pathways. It improves the liver’s ability to neutralize and excrete harmful substances, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.

• Reduces Fibrosis: PPC has been shown to reduce liver fibrosis, a condition where scar tissue builds up, compromising liver function. By inhibiting the progression of fibrosis, PPC helps maintain the liver’s regenerative abilities.

"PPC offers a promising approach to liver health, quality of life and recovery outcomes."

"If you want to keep your cells young - and running at their highest efficiency, I think PPC is one of the most important supplements you can take."
Robert Jay Rowen, M.D. 

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Healthy Aging Starts with Optimal Liver Function

Given its central role in detoxification, hormone regulation, and nutrient metabolism, the liver is essential in the body’s anti-aging processes. A healthy liver means balanced hormones, which directly impacts skin health, energy levels, and mental clarity. Proper liver function ensures the removal of harmful toxins and free radicals, which are leading contributors to aging at the cellular level.

Incorporating PPC into your daily routine is one of the most effective ways to maintain liver health and support anti-aging efforts. By ensuring the liver is functioning at its peak, you can help the body maintain glowing skin, robust energy levels, and immune resilience—allowing you to age gracefully and maintain vitality well into later years.

Real Skin Care Starts with Real Liver Care - Healthy Radiant Skin from the Inside Out

One of the liver’s most profound influences is on skin health, making it a key player in the anti-aging battle. As the body’s primary detoxifier, the liver removes toxins that, if left unchecked, can lead to dull, dry, or blemished skin. A well-functioning liver ensures that skin looks radiant, youthful, and clear by preventing the buildup of free radicals, which accelerate aging and contribute to wrinkles and sagging.

The liver also regulates hormone levels, which play a critical role in maintaining skin balance and hydration, helping minimize fine lines and preserve elasticity. A healthy liver is not only vital for overall well-being but is your best ally in achieving glowing, youthful skin.

PhosChol PPC supports liver health and skin vitality in powerful ways. When the liver is functioning at its best, it detoxifies efficiently, clearing harmful substances that can otherwise manifest in dark spots, dryness, or visible blood vessels.

PhosChol PPC aids in liver cell repair and regeneration, ensuring toxins are eliminated, leaving your skin smoother and more vibrant. Additionally, PPC directly nourishes the skin by strengthening cell membranes and promoting healthy cell regeneration, reducing signs of aging like fine lines and loss of elasticity. For a youthful complexion and a healthier you,
PhosChol PPC is the ultimate choice.

Be Proactive About Your Liver Health

The liver is at the center of your health, supporting everything from digestion and immunity to skin health and overall vitality. Even if you don’t notice symptoms, liver damage can quietly develop over time. Don’t take it for granted, love it, nurture it, and support it. To keep your liver performing its life-sustaining tasks, give it the care it deserves. Stay active, eat a liver-friendly diet, reduce toxin exposure, limit alcohol, and use supplements like PhosChol PPC and Liverflo to aid in cellular repair, boost detoxification, reduce oxidative stress, and promote optimal liver function.

Whether you’re focused on prevention or need extra protection, these supplements provide comprehensive care to keep your liver healthy. By prioritizing liver health, you’re improving your body’s ability to detoxify and stay energized. You’re also supporting your skin, brain, and immune system, leading to better overall health, greater vitality, and a more youthful appearance.

Take charge of your liver health and enjoy the amazing health benefits of a liver that works as hard as you do!:

The Leading Healthcare Practitioner Brand Since 1982


1. Detoxification and Liver Function:
Kaplowitz, N. (2004). "Drug-induced liver injury." Clinical Infectious Diseases, 38(Supplement_2), S44-S48. doi:10.1086/381446

Chalasani, N., & Björnsson, E. (2010). "Risk factors for idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury." Gastroenterology, 138(7), 2246-2259. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2010.04.001

2. Bile Production and Nutrient Absorption:
Hofmann, A. F., & Hagey, L. R. (2008). "Bile acids: Chemistry, physiology, and pathophysiology." The Netherlands Journal of Medicine, 66(1), 3-9. PMID: 18292946

3. Nutrient Metabolism:
Raddatz, D., & Ramadori, G. (2007). "Carbohydrate metabolism and the liver: Actual aspects from physiology and disease." Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 45(1), 51-62. doi:10.1055/s-2007-963454

4. Liver and Immune System:
Jenne, C. N., & Kubes, P. (2013). "Immune surveillance by the liver." Nature Immunology, 14(10), 996-1006. doi:10.1038/ni.2691

Parker, G. A., & Picut, C. A. (2012). "Immune functions of the liver." Toxicologic Pathology, 40(2), 186-199. doi:10.1177/0192623311428474

5. Liver’s Role in Skin Health and Anti-Aging:
Addor, F. A. (2018). "Antioxidants in dermatology." Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 92(3), 356-362. doi:10.1590/abd1806-4841.20186659

Watson, R. R., Preedy, V. R., & Zibadi, S. (Eds.). (2014). Polyphenols in Human Health and Disease (Vol. 1). Academic Press.

6. Polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PPC) and Liver Health:
 Lieber, C. S., & Leo, M. A. (2004). "Hepatoprotective effects of S-adenosyl-L-methionine, polyenylphosphatidylcholine, and betaine in alcohol-induced liver injury in rats." Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 28(2), 261-267. doi:10.1097/01.ALC.0000113732.02400.77

Kidd, P. (2002). "Phosphatidylcholine: A superior protectant against liver damage." Alternative Medicine Review, 7(5), 344-360. PMID: 12420816

7. Liver Regeneration and Repair:
Michalopoulos, G. K. (2007). "Liver regeneration." Journal of Cellular Physiology, 213(2), 286-300. doi:10.1002/jcp.21172

Bracht, J., Asrani, S. K., & Kamath, P. S. (2017). "Liver regeneration after drugs or resection surgery." Seminars in Liver Disease, 37(4), 293-303. doi:10.1055/s-0037-1602731

These references can provide a deeper understanding of the benefits of PPC and its potential applications in addressing liver health related conditions.

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The Best Source of Phosphatidylcholine is 100% Pure PhosChol PPC (Dr. Sherry Rogers M.D.)

Phosphatidylcholine clearly plays a vital role in human and animal life. Its role is even more important when harmful environmental conditions lead to increased inflammation, oxidative and cell membrane damage. When cell membranes become damaged and rigid due to higher levels of inflammation and oxidative stress, cell function and metabolism decreases, and good health is replaced by dysfunction and ultimately disease. When membrane damages are present, PC is in high demand to help form, proliferate, restore and regenerate cell membranes and to enhance membrane-dependent metabolism. Providing a dietary source of purified PPC to your child may be one of the best things you can do to promote and preserve good health.


A broad range of pharmacological investigations, clinical trials, and other available data on PPC and its different and unique modes of actions demonstrate that PPC acts primarily through its influence on membranes.As cell membrane damages occur in many disorders, PPC’s therapeutic approach is both physiological and holist and can be used alone or as an adjunctive therapy.

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Therapeutically Dosed PPC Products to Support Health & Longevity

PhosChol 600 120ct. Veggie Cap Pharmaceutical Grade PPC For Cellular Repair and Healthy Gut, Liver, Brain Function
PhosChol PPC is a superior cell membrane therapeutic that supports Liver, Brain, Gut, Heart, Blood Vessels, cell metabolism, detox and more
PhosChol PPC is a superior cell membrane therapeutic that supports Liver, Brain, Gut, Heart, Blood Vessels, cell metabolism, detox and more
PhosChol 600 120ct. Veggie Cap Pharmaceutical Grade PPC For Cellular Repair and Healthy Gut, Liver, Brain Function
PhosChol 600 120ct. Veggie Cap Pharmaceutical Grade PPC For Cellular Repair and Healthy Gut, Liver, Brain Function
PhosChol 600 120ct. Veggie Cap Pharmaceutical Grade PPC For Cellular Repair and Healthy Gut, Liver, Brain Function
PhosChol PPC Brain Health
PhosChol PPC Anti Aging
PhosChol PPC Detox and Reset
PhosChol Liver Health
PhosChol PPC Anti Aging Powerhouse
PhosChol PPC Anti Aging 2
PhosChol PPC Comparison Chart 2
PhosChol 600 120ct. Veggie Cap Pharmaceutical Grade PPC For Cellular Repair and Healthy Gut, Liver, Brain Function
PhosChol PPC is a superior cell membrane therapeutic that supports Liver, Brain, Gut, Heart, Blood Vessels, cell metabolism, detox and more
PhosChol PPC is a superior cell membrane therapeutic that supports Liver, Brain, Gut, Heart, Blood Vessels, cell metabolism, detox and more
PhosChol 600 120ct. Veggie Cap Pharmaceutical Grade PPC For Cellular Repair and Healthy Gut, Liver, Brain Function
PhosChol 600 120ct. Veggie Cap Pharmaceutical Grade PPC For Cellular Repair and Healthy Gut, Liver, Brain Function
PhosChol 600 120ct. Veggie Cap Pharmaceutical Grade PPC For Cellular Repair and Healthy Gut, Liver, Brain Function
PhosChol PPC Brain Health
PhosChol PPC Anti Aging
PhosChol PPC Detox and Reset
PhosChol Liver Health
PhosChol PPC Anti Aging Powerhouse
PhosChol PPC Anti Aging 2
PhosChol PPC Comparison Chart 2

An Excellent Source of Stable and Biologically Preferred Choline. Each 3 Capsule Serving provides provides 252 mg of choline which is 46% of daily recommended intake (550 mg)

PhosChol 600 120ct. Veggie Cap Pharmaceutical Grade PPC For Cellular Repair and Healthy Gut, Liver, Brain Function

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In numerous clinical studies, purified polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PPC) has been shown to support:*
-  liver health and function
-  brain function and memory
-  cell membrane restructuring, fluidity and flexibility cell                              membrane metabolism
-  gastric mucosal protection
-  immune system support
-  pregnancy: as an excellent source of safe, water/blood stable,              choline and polyenyl-phosphatidylcholine (PPC)

PhosChol 900 100Ct. Softgel Pharmaceutical Grade PPC

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Guaranteed Safe Checkout

n numerous clinical studies, purified polyenyl-phosphatidylcholine (PPC) has been shown to support:*
- liver health and function
- brain function and memory
- cell membrane restructuring, fluidity and flexibility cell             membrane metabolism
- gastric mucosal protection
- immune system support
- pregnancy: as an excellent source of safe, water/blood           stable, choline and phosphatidylcholine

PhosChol PPC is a superior cell membrane therapeutic that supports Liver, Brain, Gut, Heart, Blood Vessels, cell metabolism, detox and more
PhosChol PPC 900
PhosChol PPC 900
PhosChol 900 100Ct. Softgel Pharmaceutical Grade PPC
PhosChol 900 100Ct. Softgel Pharmaceutical Grade PPC
PhosChol PPC Brain Health
PhosChol PPC Anti Aging
PhosChol PPC Detox and Reset
PhosChol Liver Health
PhosChol PPC Anti Aging Powerhouse
PhosChol PPC Supplement Facts
PhosChol PPC Anti Aging 2
PhosChol PPC is a superior cell membrane therapeutic that supports Liver, Brain, Gut, Heart, Blood Vessels, cell metabolism, detox and more
PhosChol PPC 900
PhosChol PPC 900
PhosChol 900 100Ct. Softgel Pharmaceutical Grade PPC
PhosChol 900 100Ct. Softgel Pharmaceutical Grade PPC
PhosChol PPC Brain Health
PhosChol PPC Anti Aging
PhosChol PPC Detox and Reset
PhosChol Liver Health
PhosChol PPC Anti Aging Powerhouse
PhosChol PPC Supplement Facts
PhosChol PPC Anti Aging 2

An Excellent Source of Stable and Biologically Preferred Choline. Each 2 Capsule Serving provides provides 252 mg of choline which is 46% of daily recommended intake (550 mg)